Wednesday, January 18, 2017


For a few weeks in November, I have been reading a book called "Skinny"
  Skinny is about a young 15 year old girl named ever, weighing 302lbs. She gained the weight right after her mother died. Even though ever tries to ignore bullying going around at school it all still gets to her. She hangs out with her friend Rat, who is her best friend. Many people have called her huge, gigantic, waste of space, elephant, and so much more. Until one day she has a fight with her step sister, briella. Briella asked about a gastric bypass. Ever said she had thought about it before but she didn't know if I would work. So later on in the book ever and her father go to the doctor , and ever gets signed up for the surgery. Once she gets the surgery and a complete makeover, she tries to find out who she is reallyand tries to ignore all of the harsh comments. Closer to the end of the book ever gets the boy if her dreams but the one she really wanted was in front of her the whole time. Read to find out more and who ever chooses.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

One thing I did kind over winter break...

Recently over break, my best friends father passed away in tragic accident. He passed by gun shots to his stomach by 2 police officers on Tuesday December 27. Unfortunately he passed and did not make it.
I was with my best friend for basically the whole break to be there to help her and her mom clean out their house of his belongings and to be there for my best friend. I helped pack his clothes, shoes, and other belongings so they won't have the memory of his loss.
But most importantly I was there for my best friend by asking if she was okay, being right beside her through everything, my family offered her and her mom to stay at my house for a few days. I was there to make her laugh and have good times out of the bad times.
 Everytime we saw the incident on the news about her dad I would make her laugh and try to get her mind off of the fact that people thought her dad was a bad Person and that to remember the person he really was, not what people say or think of him by the first and last impression they had of him. So that is one kind thing I did over winter break.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Goal for 2017

My goal for 2017 is to work on my attitude. Over the last few years my attitude got worse. I have told people I hated them and I would always start drama.
In 7th grade I told everyone that if they were already taking about me, I was already talking about them. I started so much drama at my church in the youth group that I had to recently leave to take a break.
So now I have returned to Church and I haven't started any drama. I started off last year hating everyone and starting drama 24/7. But now as I get older I understand that its not good to have a bad attitude and being rude all the time.
If you're like that, no body would want to be your friend. So now I have started to change. this year I really want to find out who I am and stop staring drama, work on my attitude and worry about myself for once. So that's just a few things I want to work on this year.

Trump or Clinton?

I think that this election was one of the most competitive. Trump and Clinton both had very good ideas, but I would disagree with trump about his thoughts and his actions. Many times he made fun of disabled people, kicked a women and her baby out of a rally, and was almosted killed at one of his rallies.
I think Clinton had better thoughts, she never kicked anyone out, she actually talked to her voters and listened to what they had to say, she wasn't racist at all. But the only thing everyone disliked about her was that she said you can rip a baby out of the womb the day of the due date. So at exactly 9 months. Many thought this was not okay or disagreed with her thoughts.
 So I think many people voted for trump only for that reason about the abortion. I personally think it is the women's choice, its her body she should decide. Not have an child because she is forced to, have a child if she wants to. Even though many others think abortion is wrong, it's not their choice. It's the womens right to choose if she wants to mess up her body and have a child she actually wants. Not mess up her body for a child she doesn't even want. If there was no abortions there would be millions of chrildren born and the adoption centers would be filled with unwanted children.
So yes I did disagree with Donald trumps thoughts about abortion. So this years election by far was the most competitive and both candidates had great reasons and thoughts.