The moods of the film stayed kind of the same. In the beginning, everyone was very happy and excited about life. They lived in a town where everyone seemed happy, and no one was ever sad. As things started changing over the years, People's moods started to be come negative. The only person who stayed positive was Guido Orefice. He stayed positive for his son who was still a small child. He didn't understand all of the things going on around him, like the internment camps and all of the guards. So Guido told his son it was a game, whoever got to 1,000 points first wins a tank. Comparing this to everything we learned before Is very different. Moods of the poems we read were always sad and depressing. But The movie is always happy but sad only at certain times. There is always humor throughout the whole movie. This is because Guido is trying to be strong and keep things fun for his son who is still a young boy.
The film shows life is beautiful by always having good times out of the bad. Guido tried to keep his son happy and not frightened by the bad things going on around them. They even gave little hints to the mother to show that they were safe and still alive. At the end of the film, I think it was the part where it really showed life is beautiful. The young boy reunited with his mother after they survived all they went through. They were all happy and worried about nothing else but each other. Another example is when Guido would always come back to the cabin and explained how the points worked to his son. He made sure his son was following the "rules" and was never scared that something bad would happen. So throughout the whole film, it really explains how you should always have good times out of the bad and try to always stay positive.
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